Thursday, 27 November 2014

A Shed Load of Music

All Tamara’s Parties had its 19th and final show of the year last week in The Shed, Charlbury. Yes it is literally a shed; a rather long one with toilets and a stage. A posh shed if you will.  The music was seriously top notch, but then what else would you expect from my nights? Roxanne de Bastion hot footed it from London on the train to open up the evening for us. This was incredibly good of her as she has just returned from a busy European tour and it was non-stop raining all the way.  Despite a guitar string snapping mid-set, she lulled us with her beautiful voice and songs and an amazing cover of 'Hey Ya' which we happily sang along to.

The Shed looked absolutely bloody beautiful and this was all thanks to Andy Pickard who runs this magical but versatile space.  He also delighted us with some songs of his own in the form of upbeat and surreptitiously addictive guitar duo: Billypure.  By this time the booze was flowing and our cheeks were nice and rosy, there was a faint scent of pine in the air…wait a minute, it’s still only November?!  But there was no denying it, the night had a wonderful Christmassy feel to it, minus Santa’s creepy knee.

The Black Feathers closed the evening and I really was speechless.  The last time I saw these guys play was a year ago when we both performed at The Ashmolean Live Friday event.  They are so so so excellent it hurts. If you get the chance to see them then please go and take your friends, your wife, your mum, dog, cat and anyone you pass on the street who looks like they need something good to happen to them.  #amazeballs

So, that was the last show of the year.  I’m now concentrating my efforts on rehearsing for George’s Jamboree on 1 Dec supporting John Hegley,  learning 3 covers for ‘Your Song’ at the Library on the 18th Dec, and continuing to record my new album.  FYI there is a song on there about a chicken. #spolieralert

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