Thursday, 12 April 2012

Party Time!

Picture by Pier Corona
Well, what an amazing Easter weekend. Friday night was ‘All Tamara’s Parties’ and the East Oxford Community Centre turned out to be a pretty awesome venue. We set the room up with candles and fairy lights and the audience brought the buzz. The acts were shipped on and off stage by George Chopping, Torquay's answer to Jules Holland, and undoubtedly on a fast-track to 'National Treasure' status. If you missed the party then you missed some great performances from ToLiesel, Ben Walker, Jack Grace and The Old Grinding Young. I also played a few new songs from my soon-to-be –recorded solo album. The next All Tamara’s Parties looks like it's set for Friday 1 June, so stay tuned. A big thanks to all the musicians, everyone who came along, and Pier Corona for catching the night with his magic box. For pics and videos go here.

The first Loft Session has been filmed, and we had a blast! With a small audience and a couple of beers we had a mini-gig in the comfort of our own home. The footage is now being cut up and taped together, and I’ll be able to post the first video soon.  You can view some pics from the night here in the meantime.
The Old Grinding Young pic by Pier Corona

The Martyrs began recording last week. We’ve been in the studio laying down Tommy’s drums and Humphrey’s bass. Now all that’s left is guitars from Tom and me, and then finally the vocals. So…not much then!! I've also been working hard writing the new tracks for my solo album. It’s almost finished though, and I will soon be back in the studio before to long to start recording them.

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